Box Office Magazine calls QUEEN OF THE SUN “The feel-good advocacy movie of the year.”

While spring pollination has begun for the bees, we’re busy cross-pollinating with all of you throughout the country and the world to get the message out about the struggles facing honeybees and ALL pollinators.

Here’s some of the latest news from the past exciting month for QUEEN OF THE SUN.

QUEEN OF THE SUN: What Are the Bees Telling Us? is NOW opening in over 50 theaters over the next three months, thanks to the help of all of you and countless wonderful grass-roots organizations who have helped support releases and community events for QUEEN OF THE SUN across the country. There are also a number of wonderful community screenings happening in communities that may not have independent theaters.

CLICK HERE To find where QUEEN OF THE SUN is playing near you.

We’ve been humbled to receive many wonderful reviews in the past few weeks, including a major acknowledgment from Box Office Magazine, who just wrote a glowing review of the film calling QUEEN OF THE SUN “The feel-good advocacy movie of the year.” The Minneapolis Star-Tribune calls the film, “A honey of a documentary” and the Bay Area Reported wisely noted, “Colony Collapse Disorder should be a planetary wake up call akin to Rachel Carson’s 1960s pesticide expose Silent Spring.”

Recently, the U.N. released a scientific study confirming that bee decline is a global issue. “Of the 100 crop species that provide 90 percent of the world’s food, over 70 are pollinated by bees.” The head of the U.N. Environmental Programme warns. “The writing is on the wall. We have to do something to ensure pollination for future generations.”

This U.N. report signals a renewed urge for all of us to spread the word about the problems facing the bees in an effort to wake the world up to the systemic problems of industrialized agriculture, beekeeping, and to the ever increasing problem of habitat loss and pesticide use to our pollinators.


There are many ways to help the bees, visit our 10 Ways to Help page to learn many different ways you can contribute. With spring in the air, perhaps a good start is just to go out and plant some wildflowers and flowering herbs. The bees will appreciate it!

Warm Regards,

Taggart, Jon & The Queen of the Sun Team