JUNE Featured Film in Whole Foods Market’s “Do Something Reel” Online Film Festival

We are proud to be the FEATURED FILM for Whole Food Market’s “Do Something Reel” ONLINE FILM FESTIVAL for the entire month of JUNE! Please share, watch and be part of this great film festival and see brand-new exclusive interviews with Taggart, Jon & Gunther Hauk.

Whole Foods is also hosting a Bee Awareness Campaign throughout June in stores across the country. As part of this, they will host screenings, dinners and events with Queen of the Sun. Check the event calendar for screening times and locations.

Proceeds from the DO SOMETHING REEL Film Festival go to benefit Whole Foods new Film Grant for Green Films.


Spring Newsletter & Teaching Curriculum

“The beauty of a seed is that out of one you can get millions. The beauty of the pollinator is that it turns that one into the millions. And that is an economics of abundance.” – Vandana Shiva

With the coming of spring, we’re reminded of our sacred relationship with honeybees that so many ancient civilizations recognized. Whether it’s mason bees or honeybees, millions of beings are assisting us as we strive to improve our world. Much like the Egyptians and the Mayans before us, we give thanks in our own way supporting nature and planting flowers or simply putting up a solitary bee hive or a clean basin of water.


Queen of the Sun is now available to watch online from any country in the world through our website. If you share the film via your website or blog you can earn a 10% kickback every-time someone watches the film. Click here and hit the “share” link in the video player to learn more about how you can help the message of QUEEN OF THE SUN go viral.


We now have an educational curriculum available for free on our website. This curriculum is widely accessible to broad audiences. It is beautifully written by Lauren Johnson, a Waldorf Teacher who wants to give educators and students a way to learn about bees through art, science, history and poetry. Download it for free. Inside is a guide to creating your own urban beehive tour and a sample letter that was used to create a bee day in the City of Portland. Draft your own and take it to your mayor to help create change for the bees!


Read more from Mother Jones about the latest study that has skeptics taking notice of the devastating effects of pesticides.

Bee part of the change and help ban deadly pesticides that are killing bees. Please sign this petition from Organic Consumer’s Association.


Create your own Community Screenings of four inspiring award-winning environmental documentaries: QUEEN OF THE SUN, GREENHORNS, INGREDIENTS and THE REAL DIRT ON FARMER JOHN. These films have created grass-roots change in communities across the globe and have cultivated everything from a resurgence in young farming to local food consumption and community supported agriculture. Visit Collective Eye Films to learn more.

We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you all again for your support of Queen of the Sun.

Warm Regards,

Taggart, Jon & The Queen of the Sun Team


Don’t forget to pre-order the Queen of the Sun DVD where you’ll find many more great facts about bees as part of the DVD’s Special Features!

Pre-Order the QUEEN OF THE SUN Home DVD Today!

Next time you’re outside, stop and see if you can find a honeybee on a flower in bloom. If you stop and look at that bee for a little while, my guess is that some questions will start to pop into your mind:

  • How do honeybees make honey?
  • How does one bee communicate with another?
  • And just how do they know how to navigate to and from their hive?

Questions certainly popped into our minds, so we’ve decided to post 10 answers to these questions and more below. The next time you see a bee, think about some of these!


1. Honey bees have four wings, six legs, two compound eyes made of up many, many tiny lenses and three simple eyes on the top of the head that are light sensors.

2. Honeybees perform a waggle dance to communicate the location and the directions to distant food sources that are 100 yards to 2-3 miles from the hive.

3. In one trip honeybees visit 100-1500 blossoms to fill their honey crop, an organ separate from their digestive stomach that is used to transport nectar.

4. Forager bees, steadfast and committed to their task, make up to 30 trips a day. Using their long, straw-like proboscis they collect nectar from the wild flowers and herbs of meadows. As Johannes Wirz says in QUEEN OF THE SUN, “Bees are the golden thread from flower to flower, keeping the world in bloom.”

5. The honey bee’s wings beat at incredible speeds! About 200 beats per second, creating the their un-missable “buzz”. A bee can fly up to 15 miles per hour and can fly a total of up to six miles.

6. Bees were not only one of the first sources for sweetness, but also for light! Beeswax candles were used by humans to provide long-lasting light in the darkness. Secreted from glands of the bee’s abdomen, beeswax is used by the honeybee to build the honey comb in the beehive.

7. In their entire lifespan, a worker bee only produces 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of honey.

8. The beehive is a “super organism”. All of the bees work together as a single entity. A lone bee cannot live on it’s own outside of the hive for even 24 hours.

9. In winter bees live on stored honey and pollen and cluster into a ball to conserve warmth. Their “body” temperature in the hive is close to human body temperature, 95-97 degrees, regardless of the temperature outside of the hive.

10. Some big numbers to think about! In producing just one pound of honey, bees from the hive visit approximately one million flowers. The entire hive of bees will fly 90,000 miles. This is  equivalent to three and a half orbits around the earth just to collect one pound of glistening honey.

RSVP to Be Part of the First Online Bee-a-thon on July 16th!

Take the world by SWARM! Be part of BEE-A-THON 2011, the free, global, online web streaming marathon to raise awareness and shed light on honeybees and native pollinators.

All day, from 9 AM to 9 PM PST on Saturday July 16th experts in science activism, naturalism, art-science fusion, education and entertainment (including us!) will share insights about the bees and other important topics relating to cultural entomology and biodiversity.

You can tune-in anytime throughout the day from living rooms, gardens, mobile devices and “backyard bee parties” all over the world, to listen to subject matter experts, ask questions and get inspired to take action. Your voice would be a valuable addition to this important conversation- You can listen in for 12 minutes or 12 hours – whatever you like!

BEE-A-THON 2011 is hosted by our partners, YourGardenShow.com, the first social network for gardeners.

Please RSVP to be part of this great event here!

“Revelatory” – QUEEN receives The New York Times Critic’s Pick

QUEEN OF THE SUN opens today at Cinema Village in New York City! Don’t miss the 7 PM screenings during opening weekend with special Q&As by Director Taggart Siegel. The week is also packed with a line-up of great organizations that will be at the screenings for Q&As and introductions ranging from New York League of Conservation Voters and Manhattan Green Party to Audubon Society, Green Thumb NYC, Slow Food NYC, Grow NYC and many more! If you live in the city, be sure to make it out this week to see the film.

Click Here for Showtimes.

What the press is saying about QUEEN OF THE SUN:


“…Siegel buzzes around the globe and deep into the hive… Honey has never looked so delicious. Or so precious.”

– Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times, Critic’s Pick


-New York Daily News


– The New York Post


“…to nature’s underappreciated pollinators — whose existence has come under threat…making a sunny and optimistic case for why the world is worth saving, via gorgeous imagery and poetic appreciations of the bees themselves. “

– Ian Buckwalter, NPR.org


“One of the most beautifully filmed documentaries that I’ve ever seen.”

-Hollywood Report Card


“…a lovely balance between scientific explanation and emotional advocacy…rich subject matter and persuasive presentation make this visually appealing nature documentary worth buzzing about.”

– David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter

“Visually sumptuous…lovingly shot, near-psychedelic imagery, which serves as an unusually visceral reminder of the rich variety in nature—and what’s at stake if bees bug out for good.”

– Village Voice


– Spirituality and Practice

“The film wows us with its objects of study at work that it creates a sensual awareness of our primary relationship with the bees.”

-Slant Magazine


– Current